StarWheel Collection

StarWheel: 085 : Stella Fortuna - Co-Respondence

The StarWheel of Fortune maps out the natural cycles of life & energy
honored and celebrated by all sacred traditions.
Stars & galaxies, planets & moons,
kingdoms & queendoms of nature, people & molecules...
all players in this Dance of Life
are in resonance within a global Matrix
of harmonic Co-Respondences.
The Sacred Medicine Wheel turns, inexorably:
one can try to resist it
or one can gracefully flow with it.
Morning East, house of the rising sun & Spring equinox,
is the time of sprouting growth celebrated at Easter.
Midday South, place of the full sun & moon,
marks the brightest day of Summer solstice
and the flowering motherhood.
Sunset West celebrates the Harvest moon ocean of the croning equinox.
And, in Winter, the Earth buries the energies
and nurtures all seeds in the depth of the longest night.
Wisdom is knowing
how to be in the perfect place at the perfect time.

Images © 2007 by Aya