StarWheel Collection

StarWheel: 025 : Toltec Shield - Ancestry

The vision of ancient Toltec elders offering up a Sacred Shield
engraved with the star knowledge of their parent galactic culture.
A circular keyboard for star-tribal music.
A beveled hologram for time-line surfing.
A navigation compass for precise attunements & flights of resonance
between light frequencies, space-time & dimensions of consciousness.
The wisdom of four previous worlds converge
towards the pyramidal center: Now.
Twenty is four becoming five. Five is one.
Sun-moon rising and setting are portals
for spherical time to spiral forward into center.
Twelve points to Thirteen.
An invitation to re-enchant the power
of conscious mudras & ceremonial dances:
trace out the glyph-keys and activate their inner sonics.
Re-creating a global culture of Star Ancestry.

Images © 2007 by Aya